Promote Software on Download Site with Auto Submitter

Promote Software on Download Site with Auto Submitter

In the initial stage of software publishing, to submit software onto each download site is the best way to raise awareness of your product on internet. Generally, the more download sites you submit to, more popular your software will be. Thus, what you need are the source of considerable download sites and time.

To submit product successfully on download sites is not difficult but complicated. When you are trying to put your software on them, you will find a big headache that there is so much information you should provide all by hands. This list includes product sort, type, price, installation support, version, system requirements, size, language, expiration date, author information, company information, email address, order URL, download URL, screenshots, xml address, and other information. Huge list! The problem is for each download site, you should manually fill out the same list one by one. What’s worse, it is possibly not approved of your product submission. Then how to avoid this situation?

Generally, download sites provide two methods for software authors to promote their product. One is to fill out the list and the other is to submit pad file. Pad, short for portable application description, is a standard file format based on XML covering every detail of a certain product. With PAD file, you don’t need to fill the huge list and just submit one pad file onto thousands of download sites. Well, there is another problem: how to promote pad file on large amount of sites? Is it possible?

PAD Submit Worker is used to solve the problem for you. It can generate pad file automatically and is a pad auto submitter. It is easy to operate. Just create a project and fill the required information which is less than that on the huge list. After pad created, you will come to the last step to submit pad file. This software owns thousands of major download sites resource. And with the successful rate of 100%, you just need to wait for 20 minutes and your software will be submitted thoroughly.

With the auto submitter, you will save your time, efforts and money. It just cost you $49.95, cheaper than other tools. Just download it.

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